Important Dates
Here are some important dates to remember. Contact Prudent Tax Services to know more about the accountancy services they provide in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph & the surrounding areas.
Mark your Calendar with these important Tax Filing Deadlines and Important Dates to Remember.
RRSP Contribution Deadline
You have until Feb 29 of each year to make RRSP contributions to the previous year.
Installment payments due
Income tax instalments are periodic income tax payments that the individual tax payer has to pay to cover the taxes that they otherwise have to on April 30th of the following year. Instalment payments are due on the following date: March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15.
Personal Tax Returns
April 30: is the deadline for Most Personal Tax Returns.
June 15: for self-employed filers and their spouses or common-law partners.
Corporate Tax Returns
June 30th is the deadline for Corporate tax return, if you have a year end of December 31.
For other date: The deadline is 6 month after the assigned year end.